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Ask Me Anything Series

  • October 20, 2021
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Virtual Meeting (Zoom)

The IMBES Trainee Board is excited to announce our first fall Ask-Me-Anything session, which will cover remote/online data collection. We are delighted to have two guest speakers.

Julie L. Booth, Ph.D., PI for the project, is a Professor of STEM Education at Temple University and Deputy Dean of Academic and Faculty Affairs for Temple’s College of Education and Human Development. She holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University and trained as a post-doctoral fellow at the NSF-funded Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. Dr. Booth is currently PI or co-PI on two federally funded projects including the IES-funded GeometryByExample project, and has been PI or Co-PI on six other federally funded projects. As a result, Dr. Booth has amassed considerable experience leading scientific research projects, developing instructional interventions, conducting classroom studies, leading teams in collecting, coding, and entering large amounts of classroom data, and analyzing quantitative data, including analyzing longitudinal classroom data using multi-level modeling approaches.

Jessica Younger is a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Neuroscape Research center at the University of California, San Francisco. She uses a variety of neuroimaging and behavioral research methods to understand the roots of individual differences in learning and academic achievement. She is currently using mobile technology to do large-scale in-school assessment and intervention to understand the core cognitive skills underlying learning and whether training these cognitive skills can result in improved academic outcomes.

This session will take place on October 20th 11 am Eastern Daylight Time and will be hosted on Zoom (Meeting ID: 936 2323 1982). No registration is needed.

Trainees are encouraged to attend and ask questions on this topic. Questions for the guests can be submitted ahead of the session at the link here. For those who can’t attend, we will be recording the conversation and will share it after the event.

Any questions about the events can be directed to

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